The best rest in the world can only be in the country
City fuss is an ideal setting for making money and leading a secular way of life. But, when you want to restore mental strength and give yourself completely to nature, it’s time to go to the country. The best rest in the world is fresh air and unobtrusive relaxed neighbors, the murmur of the river and the sea of greenery are able to adjust to a philosophical way and help to understand that the material is transitory and the harmony is eternal.
The most natural rest in the world
Of course, is it worth telling the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space for a long time, how important is your garden and dacha and that «reaping» your fruits is a real pleasure. Where else can you find such a rest in the world?
Modern dacha complexes favorably differ from rare vans with one window and small pavilions, the main purpose of which is to serve as a warehouse for summer cottages. It was not necessary to talk about cleanliness and comfort, and immediately after carrying out the landings I wanted to wash, change into clean clothes, and go to my apartment in the city. Many have already seen by their own example that at the dacha you can not only work without raising your head, but also fully rest.
The dacha is a plot of land with a house and auxiliary buildings surrounded by a fence, using a metal fence to fasten the sheets. If the family has small children, you can evenly distribute the land — under the garden-garden and under the playground. If there is a desire to work on the ground, but not to «poison» with insecticides and fertilizers, you can cultivate flowering plants: arrangement of flower beds and selection of varieties is a troublesome business, but with the necessary share of enthusiasm for impossible tasks does not exist.
Making decent living conditions in a holiday home requires serious efforts and money injections. The creative energy of the owners can be realized in the creation of a design interior design, and its implementation should be entrusted to experienced professionals who will help and advice, and will be released from work.
Work and leisure
Installation of the heating system will allow you to enjoy a cozy retreat in the winter, and the correct arrangement of windows will make it possible not to suffer from the heat, having come to rest in the summer. Of course, plumbing comforts are desirable to be located in the house, if the family does not burn with a desire to jump out into the street in any weather and run into the room with a heart cut out in the door.
Making a personal cabinet at the dacha is a prerequisite for effective rest for business people: at any time you can contact your colleagues or subordinates and find out how things are in the office, prepare urgent documents, work on a project or presentation.
Scientists and writers can spend a creative vacation at the dacha: preparing a thesis or a book requires full concentration and a minimum of distractions. To prepare for the session and write the chapters of the diploma in a noisy hostel is possible, but not entirely convenient, so young family members — a direct road to the dacha, into this tranquil atmosphere and an amazing world where it breathes easily, is remembered quickly, spelled exactly.
To associate a dacha with difficulty is a traditional approach, to supplement this notion with the possibility of rest — a modern trend. After a day spent among young seedlings, it’s so nice to pass the evening with a glass of wine, enjoying the sunset. Tandem work and recovery is universal: one does not interfere with one another.