Soreq Cave at the Avshalom Beit Shamesh
Travelers and fans to visit various caves can hardly something to surprise. However, there is a cave, which can cause delight even the most experienced traveler. There is such a cave in Israel near Beit Shamesh called Avshalom, in honor of a soldier Avshalom Shoham. It must be said that the cave is not in splendid isolation, the Judean Mountains National Park are located next to it, as well as another reserve brook Soreq. Soreq the way — this is the second name of the cave.
Soreq Cave, interesting, first of all, the fact that it is relatively small and the area of a little more than five thousand square meters is a huge number of stalactites. That amount per square meter, and the beauty of the stalactites and stalagmites, it can compete with any stalactite cave in the world. It can not be denied even by specialists as a collection of stalactites here is really impressive.
Separately, it must be said, as this is a unique cave was discovered. It happened in 1968 during blasting on the mountain Har Tuv. While there was a quarry for gravel extraction. And after another explosion workers noticed a small hole sizes. On closer inspection they found a cave, which is filled with stalactites of unusual beauty.
First discovery secret list and no one reported it, but after all they have learned and started in the district, who had the desire to have visited the cave, armed with flashlights. What he saw, of course, could not leave anyone indifferent, so the number of visitors grew by the day. That, of course, could harm such beauty. And in 1975, the Soreq Cave assigned reserve status.
Since the cave became a reserve, then made tracks held lighting, which should also be noted, as the light in the cave is very important. It is thanks to light four meter stalactites shine in all its glory. Here you can see the huge grapes, coral reefs and many, many other shapes and objects.