Can flu prevent travel

Today every inhabitant of the Earth has heard about such a disease as the flu. The question is especially acute for people who are going to travel. Almost everyone in this case is concerned about the same questions — how to avoid getting infected with the flu, are there lethal versions of influenza and whether it is worth risking your health and traveling on the road during the epidemic?

Flu — how to avoid infection?

If you still decided to go to a country where the flu epidemic is rampant now, or the epidemic has overtaken you at a resting place, then it’s enough to follow a few simple rules and the flu will bypass you. The most important rule — always wash your hands, at any convenient opportunity — just water, water with soap, disinfectant solutions. Try to minimize contact with probably infected people. Large gatherings of people should be avoided, if there is no such possibility, then you are in such a place as little as possible. Be sure to ventilate your living room, even if it is air-conditioned.

Flu is a myth or reality

Do not forget that a person who loves traveling is an active person, leading an exceptionally healthy lifestyle. Naturally, such people have stable immunity. Usually it is these people who spread rumors that the flu, which the media is talking about, does not exist. And many agree with them. But the flu virus is not transmitted if a person observes basic measures of personal hygiene and safety. Every tourist should remember that the virus is not transmitted with treated water. That is, tap water treated with chlorine does not carry the risk of infection.

Epidemic in tourism

The flu seriously frightens world investors, economists, meat producers. Tourism also does not stand aside. Aircraft in a country infected with the flu begin to fly almost empty, but completely filled in the opposite direction. Some risky and confident in the myths of influenza tourists enjoy this moment and fly to rest in the country with an epidemic. But there are only such tourists.

Tourism is sick with the flu

The flu epidemic affects not so many people suffering from the disease and suffering from its consequences, as companies and businesses whose main income is tourism. Often in countries with an epidemic, not only restaurants and cafes close, but also theaters and museums. Many travel agents try to brighten up the rest of their customers and replace sightseeing routes with buses, give out masks and disinfectants to tourists.


But all the same it is not necessary to risk and hope, that the flu is a myth — it is better to be reinsured and to cancel a trip.