Bus tours from Samara to any city in Russia
We were lucky to live in the largest country in the area — Russia. It’s just a paradise for people who love traveling, and want to see as many new cities as possible. There are times when it is impossible to go abroad, but this is no reason to deny yourself a vacation. In our country there are a lot of places that in their beauty can compete with world sights. If you want only at sea, then for this there are tours to the Crimea.
Pros of rest in Russia:
You do not need to issue a visa or passport;
There is no language barrier. Guides, hotel staff and local people speak their native language;
If you are afraid of flying an airplane, you can travel by bus or train;
Low cost of the trip.
A short duration of trips (for example, there are tours to St. Petersburg for 3 or 5 days).
Habitual for a Russian person is food.
So how beautiful and ambiguous our huge country is, you understand only when you travel a lot about it. Each city is unique in its own way, and lives its own special life. In the Old Russian there is a spirit of philistinism, and people are unhurried. In megacities, on the other hand, ultra-modern buildings and endless vanity.
Most residents of provincial cities prefer tours to Moscow, and the inhabitants of the capital are averse to driving around the Golden Ring. It is quite clear pattern — everyone wants to see something new and get a charge of positive emotions. This is the whole charm of traveling wherever.
Go your own way or book a tour?
Question: «What is the best way to go — a» savage «or a tour?» arises in all travelers. Here, it all depends on what you want. If you just take a walk, you can do it yourself. And if you see as many interesting places as possible, then it’s better to book a tour. Why?
First, people in travel agencies are developing a travel program so that travelers can see as many interesting places as possible in a short time. At the same time, they give a historical reference, tell legends and real facts related to a particular landmark.
Secondly, during the tour you do not need to worry about anything: where to sleep, what to eat, what to go and so on. All these nuances are negotiated and paid in advance. Unpleasant surprises happen only in unscrupulous agencies. Good travel companies always comply with the terms of the contract.