Heavenly Bridge
In addition to the fact that the bridge as an engineering structure has practical application, it is very fast and safe to get from one bank to another, very often they are installed in places where there is no vital need, for example, the Langkawi Sky Bridge, the location is Malaysia.
Heavenly Bridge — Scary and Very Beautiful
It’s no secret that our tourist is attracted by the exotic and interesting places of Asia. All of our people are a wonder, and here you are on vacation, there is no need to hurry, and money is free, specially provided for visiting excursions and acquiring all kinds of curios and souvenirs. And if you are traveling in Malaysia, then you just need to visit the Malaysian Heavenly Bridge, a unique engineering structure that can rightly be called the pinnacle of technical art. From its height, which is about 700 Meters, it is possible that you will not see many Asian sights, but you will get a monthly dose of adrenaline and cross your own barrier in overcoming the fear of heights.
Rest in Asia with a touch of extreme
Everyone has long known that Asia is very contrasting and Europeans constantly have to be surprised or at least not understand how to respond to different events. So is the Heavenly Bridge in Langkawi — a building that terrifies the imagination with the impudence of its incarnation, and this is only at the stage while you stand in anticipation of the funicular and realize where you are now to visit. Such here it not simple rest in Asia.
The bridge itself in the din has 125 meters, with a width of 1.8 meters. Keeps the structure on a single support, and consider that it is suspended over a huge abyss. However, 8 stabilizing cables go to the neighboring rocks, and all the workload is necessary, so that a walk along this Asian landmark is as safe as walking along the usual sidewalk. There are security measures in the form of double railing and protective grids.
The bridge itself looks like a curved snake, which creeps in the Gunung mountains. And still, on the bridge there is such place where the impression of free floating appears, this feeling amplifies in windy weather. During cloudy weather, when the sky is cloudy, it seems as if you are walking along them. In bad weather for tourists and travelers, the bridge is closed, as the bridge is vulnerable to lightning strikes. As you can see, interesting places in Asia not only can surprise, but also impress.