Street July 9 in Buenos Aires – the widest street in the world
Street July 9 – is not only the widest street in the world, it is still the most visited Argentina the street. Street name appeared after the date of receipt of Argentina’s independence, it happened the 9 th July 1815. Initially the street was much less. The first draft of the street appeared in 1895.
The original plan was a small road, and she just had to cross the city from south to north. According to that, the first plan called Ayouma street. Despite the fact that the streets and roads are necessary for all, rich landowners and ordinary citizens have opposed the construction of this huge avenue under the windows of their homes. This led to the freezing construction. Authorities this problem was solved soon, they have raised the overall status of the street.
In addition, the authorities have increased the overall width of the street up to 32 meters. This led to the fact that local residents a new wave of indignation was caused by the government and, as a result, had to quickly buy the land from the owners. On the left is just an incredible amount of 50 million dollars. New construction and expansion of the street on July 9 in Buenos Aires began in 1936, the opening day of the memorial obelisk. Prospect was opened two years later, in 1938. But despite the incredible width of the street was the slowness of only 500 meters. But the building is not finished.
Two-way traffic was opened on one of the streets, but this time on the other side was a very busy day and night. Houses along the edges of the street were demolished, and the street was rapidly expanding. In the first phase of work it took about 3 000 tons of iron, 40 000 m2 of stone, 10,000 tons of cement and nearly 3 years continuous round the clock work. But the second part of the work is done, just did not work. On further expansion and construction of the prospectus it has taken almost 40 years.
After 100 years after the appearance of Prospect Avenue finally spread to all parts of Buenos Aires, which were designed by the architects. But gradually the number of vehicles in the city has increased significantly, and this has led to the expansion of the street and forced relocation of residents of nearby houses. Now, from the right to the left side of the street lies a distance of 110 meters.