Attractions Karelia
Russia has always been attractive for its nature. It would seem that may be of interest here, in its cities, but if you delve into the history, we can learn a lot of new and interesting for yourself.
Take, for example, Kenozersky Park – a protected area, which is the last island lifestyles and traditions of Russians, etc. What is most remembered here is the lake Kenozero since around there are many villages. In addition, there is a special house to them, tourists can visit or just people who have decided to relax. Well, of course, there are shops.
At this point, the symbol is Kenozerye Nicholas Chapel, which is located in Vershinino. That is, above the lake there is a hill, where is located the chapel itself. What’s interesting is that he went a little away from the village and looking at her, you might think that the chapel stands on the precipice. That is, it is an amazing view, which is mesmerizing and amazing look. If you go on a night walk, near the chapel, you can see the horses that graze there.
If you drive a little further down the road, there is a village called Zihnova. It also has a chapel of St. John the Divine. There you can meet the caretaker, or as it is called the guardian who has the keys, and he takes care of the chapel. In this village, the chapel looks for is no longer a young woman, but it is a place very much.
In general, we can draw only one conclusion, that Karelia is a wonderful place, which occupies a huge space, not only in the lives of everyone, but for Russia as a whole. What to say about this city, if you want to see everything with my own eyes. This beautiful nature, the forests, fields, lakes, magical and mysterious places that remain unexplored.