Viking Village
Many of us are quite familiar with the work of such a famous film company as Universal Pictures, which, in addition to the amazing cartoons of Walt Disney, also removes a large number of historical films, one of which was filmed in Iceland, and the Viking village it built is one of the film’s next films.
Irish Viking Village, near the town of Hebn
Since the dawn of the advent of mass tourism, many owners of tourist hotels, for the development of their business, have made attempts to erect some historical constructions near their hotels. However, the Viking village is located in the Irish town of Hebn, a slightly different plan, and there are no hotels or other tourist business centers next to it, except for a small cafe called Viking Café, which serves authentic Irish dishes. And the history of the appearance of this settlement is quite original. In fact, in 2010 the famous American film company Universal Pictures, having conceived the shooting of the historical saga of the Vikings, chose this place for the filming of the film.
And lunch in the cafe «Viking Café»
But, as local residents like to tell, all those who come to Hebn look at this amazing miracle, something there is not «grown together» at the film studio, and they practically forgot about the village. So, without investing in its tourism business, the town acquired its pseudo-historical attraction in the form of this empty village. However, even such a statement of the question does not diminish the interest of numerous travelers not only to the town itself, but also to the village of the Vikings. In view of this, no one trip to Ireland can not do without a sightseeing tour to Hebn, visits to its sights and obligatory lunch at the cafe «Viking Café».
At the same time, many tourists who traveled through Europe and the will of fate and their tourist operator found themselves in Hebna and its famous village of Vikings, say that in addition to the main attraction there really is something to see. Namely, here it is really possible to look and appreciate the «real» Irish nature, which, without spoiling its colors, amazes with its uniqueness and, as they say, real Irish asceticism. After all, surrounding the city and the countryside are small mountains and meager vegetation of adjoining meadows with grazing horses on them, really can not be seen so often.
How to get there
So, if you really planned your upcoming vacation in Europe, then we strongly recommend to visit Ireland, in a fairly large island state, bordering both on dry land and on the water with the UK. And, having arrived in its capital city of Dublin, and having addressed practically in any travel agency, you can get and itself tourist round in become already well-known Irish village of Vikings.