Interesting facts of mobile phone in travel
Literally about ten years ago, it was quite difficult to imagine the situation that mobile communication will be so firmly embedded in our everyday life. And in this case it’s not just about ordinary phone conversations, but it’s instant photos, video recording and sound recording. And here are some interesting facts from this rather large list of the possibilities of our mobile phones.
Interesting facts of any travel on your smartphone
A noteworthy fact of today, especially in tourism, is the fact that in recent years so-called «smartphones» have become quite popular among numerous users, whose definition of the name is translated as «smart phone». It will show everything from the weather forecast in Paris or Zhitkovichi to detailed maps of places for travel, explaining interesting facts of sights.
Google and its virtual maps. Any journey, to date, for many smartphone owners is simply not conceivable without such a unique service from Google as its Google Maps virtual map, which has long become commonplace not only on monitors of computers connected to the World Wide Web — the Internet, but for mobile phones. And with the help of this service it is possible not only to contemplate the territory of this or that part of the Earth from the height of space, but also by going directly to the virtual map mode to put almost any route of your trip. At the same time, not only populated areas will be displayed on it, but also interesting places in Europe and this route, where you really should look and capture the impressions received in a photo or video. In addition, the Google Maps service provides an opportunity for users of this service to leave their comments, for a particular historical place or attractions.
Virtual hotel reservation
It is difficult to imagine any, many-day trip without such a basic element of it as a night’s lodging. With this in mind, the rather popular Internet site Booking has developed a special application that allows you to book hotel rooms practically anywhere in the world. At the same time, the advantage of the mobile application is that when booking a hotel room in a particular hotel, the manager of this establishment will contact you in real time almost immediately, and you will decide on certain features of the order submitted. In addition, this same Internet service is directly linked to international banking systems. Which allow here to make a prepayment of the selected hotel room and be 100% sure that the chosen room will be reserved for you.