Sit on the beach with a fishing rod?
Tourism refers to a healthy lifestyle and active leisure. It promotes the self-development of a person, improvement, familiarization with an active lifestyle and cultural rest. Fishing tours are becoming increasingly popular, which do not require much time and money. They are great for fishermen-professionals, amateurs, beginners and married couples.
The best kind of rest is fishing, allowing to spend time on the nature, delivering a lot of pleasures. Before fishing, you must carefully prepare for the upcoming process, gather equipment and equipment, snap, shoes and clothing.
Experienced fishermen pay great attention to comfortable and spacious clothes, excluding any discomfort, providing a high degree of wind and moisture protection. If you are going fishing and looking for a good suit, which guarantees warmth, comfort and modern appearance, you can choose the costumes of Gorka, consisting of a jacket and trousers. His model design is carefully thought out.
Gorka Costume is a comfortable and practical clothing designed for fishermen and hunters, made of cotton tent fabric, which allows the body to breathe. Dense matter provides high strength, folds of elbows and knees reinforced with additional material.
Pants costume free cut, belt on an elastic band with loops for a wide belt. The model is worn out, can be refilled in shoes. A special cut of details in the knee area does not allow them to stretch, along the bottom line pass gum that perform protective functions. The pockets are provided on the side and back, the seams of the rear seat are reinforced with the overlays.
The jacket of a straight cut with a hood on the weights, the shoulder line is also reinforced with a mixture fabric, fastened with buttons, has a windproof valve. The bottom of the sleeves is assembled by an elastic band, the waist volume is adjusted with the help of elastic bands, pockets on the breast, on the sleeves, at the bottom of the front part. The jacket is provided with suspenders, which are easily detachable from the trousers.
Gorka costume does not shrink after washing. It is comfortable, functional, comfortable clothing of the modern market. With the right approach to choosing clothes, the process of fishing turns into an exciting activity.
Fishing is always quiet and peaceful, it brings a lot of positive emotions. The catch depends on quality equipment, gear, bait, season, penetration into the secrets of wildlife, the mood of the fisherman. A cheerful mood is the guarantee of a good catch.