Why visit capsule hotel
The first capsule hotel opened in Osaka, Japan in 1979. Nowadays hotels of this type became common not only in Japan but also in many other countries, including Russia. The advantage of capsule hotels is their low price, which compared to conventional hotels may be lower in two, or even four times.
In China, in the city of Haikou stay in a capsule hotel can be for $ 10. The entire hotel is about 200 m2 and contains 26 rooms-capsules, arranged in two tiers one above the other.
Number presented in a capsule, the size of the corresponding single bed, ceiling height in the capsule -. 1.25 m are equipped with lighting, a TV, a fan, a folding table, and there is free wi-fi. Lockers to store guest luggage are located far away from the capsule. Toilets and showers are also located separately from the room and are shared. Hotel Guide prohibits smoking in rooms, also not welcome and the food inside the rooms-capsules.
The air-capsules have every opportunity for a good rest. For more privacy there is a sense of possibility to push the shutter and start reading, work or simply fall asleep. It is interesting to note that often refuse to settle in capsule hotels in Asian women, because it is believed that women bring a lot of noise and anxiety, thereby preventing male guests to relax after a hard day’s work. If the hotel management and the woman agrees to provide the number, then gives it the capsule in a separate «women’s» section, located away from the male.
In 2009 was opened, according to management, the first capsule hotel in Russia, in Moscow, at the Sheremetyevo airport. But in fact, the hotel «Air Express» is not a traditional capsule hotel. It is a normal economy class hotel with compact rooms can accommodate from one to three people.