Serpents shaft and Wall of China is the hand of the master
As many of you know already, in Russia previously existed once powerful state – Tartary. In the east it borders with China, which at that time was not as big as it is now. And this is just the boundary ran along the «line» Wall of China. There is an opinion that it was the Slavs ancestors built this fortification, defending himself from attacks of insane Chinese.
In reality, the Wall of China (the Chinese reinforcement) had not functioned as a whole. Firstly it is constantly built, in the second place on the ramparts of soldiers all the same is not enough to fully reflect the onslaught of the enemy. Well… what loopholes Wall look at the territory of China. This is clearly not only markedly more ancient wall portions, but also at later stages. It turns out, that is a so-called «Chinese» wall as to achieve a civilization of ancient China time is not quite right. The wall was built in the same way, as in Russia. Given the nature of the terrain, building material was clay, stone and limestone.
It is worth mentioning that on the territory of the young Russian state – Gardarika – practically all the then eastern borders was built line of fortifications. This wall called Serpents shaft. However, due to the fact that built them again from the available building material – wood, they have not survived. But there were trees that are perfectly visible from the bird’s eye view. Excavations showed that the construction method was the same as in the Wall of China.
But let’s return to China. Very puzzling is the fact that the strengthening of the wall built with the expectation of cannon guns, which the deep approval of historians, on the start of construction just another could not be. Given the fact that Tartary – are direct descendants of Hyperboreans, all can be.
According to the scientists of China, the Great «China» began to create a wall of two hundred and forty-six BC Emperor Shi Hoangti. The wall had a height of six to seven meters.