The cave complex of Buddhist Ajanta
Ajanta is in most of the Buddhist cave complex in the form of a temple in India. It is a cliff that resembles a horseshoe with twenty-nine caves. They are divided into two main types — intuition and vihara, both are Buddhist monks dormitory. The temples carved into the rock in the course of more than one century in the third and seventh centuries.
More intensively built in the fifth century, during the reign of Harish (462-483 years), in the central India. During this period, we managed to create a sample of sculptures and paintings of Ajanta with great perfection. In the eighteenth century Buddhist direction almost completely lost its meaning in India, and some monks who stayed in Ajanta, the number of which to this point all the time decreased, went out of the monastery, carved into the rock.
The first cave, included in a complex of Ajanta hollowed out in the rock of the volcanoes around the second century BC. There could settle for about two hundred Buddhist monks who after some time did the walls of the caves a real work of art.
In the course of more than one decade to the surface of the walls of the complex of caves applied colorful patterns, testified that there were living Buddha. Many of the drawings are about two thousand years, but not paying attention to their advanced age, they still surprise people with its beauty and challenging performance. The monks live in the complex and is not constant over several centuries Ajanta people completely abandoned and forgotten. The caves in the area settled twice: in the first century BC and the fifth — sixth centuries AD.
It is not clear why, but the monks did not stay here very long. So already in the seventh century AD cave complex of all the monks left, Ajanta and more than a thousand years have been abandoned. Clearly, such circumstances have made themselves felt, and much of the paintings on the rocks was almost erased from the walls of the complex.